As we get closer to the 10 year anniversary of September 11, 2001 more people are talking about that day and the feelings we had of the attack are brought back to everyone's mind.
On that morning, many said goodbye to their loved ones thinking they would see them later that day, or perhaps did not even have a chance to see them, only to lose them unexpectedly.
I know on face book many have posted about the first responders not being invited to the ceremony for the 10th anniversary.
While it's easy to get upset that the Public Relations person did not handle the situation well with stating that there not being enough room for the first responders to attend the 10th anniversary memorial. We have to keep in mind, close to 3000 people lost their lives that day in 2001, and their family members are asked to represent those individuals on the 10th anniversary to honor them and their memories.
It is not a jab at those first responders, who helped so many people in need then and on a daily basis, it is simply a fact that 3000 individual's family members account for quite a bit of people. Some of which were first responders, men and women who died helping others. Their families need this just as much as the others, a gesture that America has not forgotten these awful attacks or the people who died that day.
Coping with a loved one's death is one of the hardest things to endure, but for such a brutal attack it's even harder for our minds to comprehend.
There has been a gaping hole in lower Manhattan as well in many people's hearts.
The memorial fountains are helping to fill it, to show that we have not forgotten but we are continuing on with our lives united together as a nation.
Being new to the area, and seeing the progress of both the fountains and the One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower) it is a daily reminder of what happened to these families, and to us as a nation.
On the 10th anniversary, the Trade Center Memorial Fountains are meant to represent respect, honor, and our freedom as a country.
Just appreciate each day you have with your loved ones, it is a blessing in itself.