You can take the girl out of Florida but you can't take the beach away from the girl!
Sand? Check!
Water? Check!
The waves crashing? Check!
So the New Jersey beach (we went to Bradley Beach today, but have checked out Belmar Beach close by as well) passed the necessary standards of a fun time at the beach.
We ate at a cute place called the Hula Grill and then hit the sand and surf!
I find water very soothing and the beach is one of my favorite places. I think Madeline is the same way as me, the moment I mentioned the beach she was packing her bag!
Being from Florida, some might assume we are beach snobs but believe it or not we are just happy to still live close (enough) to the beach!
Mason enjoyed the waves crashing and of course the sand was up to par for Maddie to build castles.
So even though we moved away some of the most famous beaches, I am appreciative we still have beaches here to visit!
Please remind my husband never to get a job in a landlocked state.... j/k!
Not kidding. Rather not be land locked.
Agreed. Even though I'm not an enthusiastic beach goer, I need the water close by. When I was in Vermont I used to make my roommates drive me to Lake Champlain so I could pretend it was the ocean.
I love Maddie's bathing
suit.Where did you get it?
Ok so we will try our best not to be land locked!
I am sure I'd do the same with a big lake if the ocean wasn't close enough!
Joy- The bathing suit is from Gymboree. Looks like they only have teeny sizes left online but they might have it in the store( and it's on clearance!)
I cannot IMAGINE being land locked. I think I might die. Ha! Glad you guys have the beach near by still .. I didn't realize that!
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