Wednesday, August 31, 2011

As we get closer

As we get closer to the 10 year anniversary of September 11, 2001 more people are talking about that day and the feelings we had of the attack are brought back to everyone's mind.

On that morning, many said goodbye to their loved ones thinking they would see them later that day, or perhaps did not even have a chance to see them, only to lose them unexpectedly.

I know on face book many have posted about the first responders not being invited to the ceremony for the 10th anniversary.

While it's easy to get upset that the Public Relations person did not handle the situation well with stating that there not being enough room for the first responders to attend the 10th anniversary memorial. We have to keep in mind, close to 3000 people lost their lives that day in 2001, and their family members are asked to represent those individuals on the 10th anniversary to honor them and their memories.

It is not a jab at those first responders, who helped so many people in need then and on a daily basis, it is simply a fact that 3000 individual's family members account for quite a bit of people. Some of which were first responders, men and women who died helping others. Their families need this just as much as the others, a gesture that America has not forgotten these awful attacks or the people who died that day.

Coping with a loved one's death is one of the hardest things to endure, but for such a brutal attack it's even harder for our minds to comprehend.

There has been a gaping hole in lower Manhattan as well in many people's hearts.

The memorial fountains are helping to fill it, to show that we have not forgotten but we are continuing on with our lives united together as a nation.

Being new to the area, and seeing the progress of both the fountains and the One World Trade Center (Freedom Tower) it is a daily reminder of what happened to these families, and to us as a nation.

On the 10th anniversary, the Trade Center Memorial Fountains are meant to represent respect, honor, and our freedom as a country.

(From Madeline and I's walk)

Just appreciate each day you have with your loved ones, it is a blessing in itself.

One week to go

Since Courtney's trip got postponed, thanks to Irene... My countdown increased for her visit BUT my parents are coming in about a week!!!!

I hope they are ready for the Big Apple again!

We are also heading to Six Flags, which will hold us over on our Disney withdrawals.

I need to make a list of places to take them.

Mason also starts school in one week. We visited the school yesterday to register him.
I have a first grader! I am so excited for what this school year will bring for him.
He is getting so big, I swear he has shot up again.
Aside from being my toothless wonder, he is smart and hardworking.
My prediction (as of now) when he grows up he is going to be lawyer.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene

Who would of thought after to moving to New Jersey we would experience an earthquake and hurricane in the same week?

Being from Florida, we at least knew how to prepare for a hurricane and to do it before everyone ransacked the shelves.

We were going back and forth on whether to evacuate or not.

We never were given an mandatory evacuation but Battery Park (which is directly across from us) was given one.

Since we are in a brick row house, on the second floor apartment (which is really 1 1/2 stories up), we thought really we'd only be effected by power outage and if worst came to worst some breaking windows.

We decided to stay and moved the cars into a high garage that was mostly enclosed.

We never lost power and thank our lucky stars it didn't flood in our immediate area.

We had a lot of time for family board games, which also included roulette because that's how our family rolls.

We also watched quite a bit of the weather channel, which we saw all of the devastation from North Carolina and up, so while we lucked out I hope all those affected by the storm get back on their feet quickly.

It was surreal to watch Belmar Beach get ransacked because that is one of the first NJ beach's we experienced when we moved up.

Stay safe everyone!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Great things are happening

This weekend we had back to back BBQ's. The kids loved all the pool and play time with other kids. I can tell up here, the last few weekends of summer are CHERISHED. We headed down to Pennsylvania for our BBQ on Sunday, so of course we had to swing by Matt's old stomping grounds.One stop was Tyler State Park in Newtown, Pa.

6 day countdown until my absolute best friend Courtney arrives here for a visit!

16 days until Mason starts first grade.

18 days until my parents arrive.

We also booked our flight to Florida for Thanksgiving.

89 days until we leave for Florida.

So yes, get ready for a visit from the NJ Linders!

With all that excitement aside, we are prepping for back to school.
Most of our Florida friends are going back this week, but we are still getting our ducks in a row.

We have to buy supplies, and uniforms but we got the most important necessities already..... Phineas and Ferb lunch box and undies.
Watch out, we have Perry the platypus going to school with Mason!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Another Weekend

It's almost the weekend!
What are your plans for the weekend?

I hope we are doing something outside, it's just so beautiful lately.
I must confess the weather the past few days has been messing with my mind.
Don't get me wrong I LOVE it but it being 68 degrees, while the sun is out, in August is unheard of for this Florida girl.
It is supposed to be 100+ and 100% humidity.
After 26 years, it becomes ingrained that August is one of the hottest months.
I guess I should cherish it because come winter all my Florida friends and family are going to be laughing at me.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Library Magic

I know I know, when in college you think of the library as a place for quiet, a place for research, and a place that has no parties.

As I get older, I realize that the library is pretty awesome.

Why is it so awesome? I mean the use of free books, how can you go wrong? Well as a mom of two, I rarely get to look at the books I want to but that's ok I found out a way to work around that.

When living in Orange county (Orlando area) I discovered that the library there will actually mail you the books you select. Yes books in the mail! I just made a list, and to my house they came.

Just wait, it got even better. When I bought my nook, I found that you could check out e-books from their website and upload them to the nook. Yes they have e-books to check out!

You don't have to have a nook, kindle or i-Pad to read these e-books, you can download them to your computer and use certain programs to read.

Even better, you can download them to your i-Phone to read.

Along with my own reading pleasure, my children love outings to the library.
They get to look through all the books, pick out their favorites to take home and on certain days there is a special story time (at each branch so if you want to hop around throughout the week.)

The library is great free fun, who knew?! Only kidding but I am glad that I finally came round to use all the perks it has to offer.

We haven't borrowed DVDS or Cds from the library but that is also another bonus of visiting your library.

So look at your local library's website, visit your local branch, and the most important thing... make sure you get your very own library card!

I know this post will make my mom very happy, as it would most mothers, but especially mine since she went to school and got her degree in Master of Science Library and Information Science.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Museums on Us

Are you a Bank of America card holder?
Either Debit or Credit Card?
Well then you are in luck! Every first whole weekend (meaning having both a Saturday and Sunday) you can go to select museums for free just by showing your Bank of America card and license.
Museums on Us is a great way to explore new places but being able to stay on budget.

So far we have visited the Bronx Zoo and Liberty Science Center and both have been spectacular!

We still hope to get to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Aquarium, Intrepid Sea, Air, and Space Museum, and the list goes on.

This weekend is one of those "special" weekends, so which museum will we go to?!

Check out which museums are in your area that are on the list!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Maine on my mind

We went to Maine two weekends ago. Boy was that a car ride! I must say after visiting, even for the short amount we were there, I want to go back! It was absolutely beautiful. Seeing that much of New England was a treat, we went from NJ, NY, Conn, RI, Mass, NH, and ME.

I hope that while we are living here, we get to go back to all of these states and enjoy some time in each.

My brother in law Scott, showed us all around Providence, RI and then Portland, Me.
He also took us to this awesome restaurant, The Lobster Shack at Two Lights
It was an absolutely surreal place, with perfect timing. We got there as the sun was setting, and it just had an amazingly peaceful atmosphere (even with my kids running around like loons!)